Well. My week was nothing short of awesome.
It started off nice and happy, my The Art of Kung Fu Panda came in the mail on Monday. I've never bought this kind of "Art of" book, and it's quite interesting! Some of the drawings and paintings are really incredible. I kinda want the Ratatouille book now...
So that nonsense has been fiddling with my free time, along with that FREE 3D ANIMATION PROGRAM I mentioned in a previous post. I feel pretty nooby booby using such a professional program, so I guess that puts me right at "average". IT'S FUN THOUGH! I'm lovin' it more than McDonalds, and contrary to slogan, I am actually indifferent towards that fast food restaurant. It's alright, but no love. (Sorry Paul.)
And finally, to top everything off better than a blueberry (the new cherry), on Friday I went to the San Diego...
The enormous comic convention held every year! And oh man. It was. Spectacular. Have I used that word before? I've said Awesome, Amazing, Incredible, Cool, Mind-boggling, Crazy... I think "Spectacular" is new! Good.
The Gang: Me, Jan, My Dad, Arthur.
Jan and I just did our own lil thing while my dad and Arthur (my dad's friend) went and frolicked elsewhere. If you're unfamiliar with Comic-Con, there are two main things you can do there: Explore the booths or watch the events. We, of course, did both.
According to Arthur, Mr. 20 year Comic-Con veteran, there were two sides of the main floor: an insane side with free stuff and a calm side with priced stuff. Jan and I thoroughly attacked the insane half of course. It was filled with booths from big companies such as WB, DC, Marvel, Lucasfilm, Mattel, Capcom, Squeenix, NBC, Hasbro, Lego, Pokemon, Cartoon Network, AND THEN SOME!

I think the best part I found about Comic-Con was that as soon as I entered the show floor, everywhere I turned my reaction was... "WOW". It's really just jaw-dropping the amount of crazy stuff there. I've come up with a few words to describe what we saw:
- overblown (in size)
- colorful
- geeky
- "what the heck"
- uncomfortable
- scary
- free
- daunting
- lotsa-bodies
- puzzling
- memorable
- admirable
- comical
Aside from the exhibition floor, we saw two event show things. The first one was a "10th Anniversary Powerpuff Girls / Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends... Panel"... thing. PP Girls? Foster's? THAT'S LIKE PERFECT FOR ME! It was actually awesomely entertaining because most of the voice actors were there and they just discussed behind the scenes of the two shows. I GOT TO SEE THE GUY WHO DOES BLOO'S VOICE! He is African American. Oh, and I also saw Craig McCracken! He's the creator of both shows! He is not African American.
Another show we watched was A LOT smaller with a discussion about teaching comics... yup. Pretty interesting. PREPARE YOURSELF, COMICLUB!

Man, there was this one part where we had to wait in line for an HOUR so I could get my Iron Man Mighty Mugg souvenir, exclusive to Comic-Con 08... that was probably the most fulfilling/rewarding piece of plastic I've ever bought.
A few notable things that you won't really understand because you're not Jan:
- Blue Dragon
- City of Heroes pic
- "exCUSE me!" (angry fanboy)
- haram(?) Toph
- Blue Cobras + 3 dollars
Normally on such Kanga posts, I would tell you AALLL about my entire day chronologically, but I won't this time. Ysee, while Jan and I were there, we filmed a BUNCH of stuff (30 minutes actually), and we'll show play our little Comic-Con adventure sometime during next school year for COMICLUB! ANTICIPATE IT!
In any case, SO MUCH FUN you should come next year.
Oh yeah, and the following day (yesterday), I watched the finale of Avatar: The Last Air Bender. IT WAS SPECTACULAR! Oh dangit that word is no longer new.
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