Wednesday, September 3, 2008

High School Senior Kevin is... BORN!


As of yesterday, I was an NSO counselor. And today was NSO! YAY FOR NEW STUDENT ORIENTATIONS! May the noobies grow up to be happy, bigger noobies.

Kids to remember:

-Hannah (she's not a new student, but I gotta remember my fellow counselor...)

Thought on tomorrow's first day of school: "Alrighty then."

For the past years of my life, there has always been a build up in early September that was always "OH MAN. SCHOOL IS GONNA START SOON. GOTTA... PREPARE..". But this time, I didn't get that feeling at all.

The only thing I need to worry about, I think, is my college application stuff, but other than that, I have nothing to dread over. All my classes seem pretty easy! OH schedule time!

'08-'09 keviokevio schedulio:

1st - Sleep - Bed
2nd - 2d Art - Agrums
3rd - Civics/Econ - Jeans
4th - Calch - Delgado
5th - English 4 - Palmieri
6th - ContempMed - Ziolkowski
7th - XC/Track

Okay enough school stuff. CHECK OUT MY FACEBOOK PICTURES!

Six Flags Pics

Took me an hour to caption all of this. You better read it.

OKAY! I thought this would be a lot longer and a lot deeper, but I ran out of time. Awwells. SENIOR SUNRISE TOMORROW! FREE BREAKFAST!!

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