Yesterday was Western Day! The annual event when our high school celebrates the time when America's left face had no rules and everyone shot each other at sundown. Wait a minute, that's how it is now! 'EY OH!!! That joke would be funnier if it were a joke.
Best Western Day in two years! Probably because it's the first one I attended in two years (MT. SAC AND ITS ALWAYS-BEING-ON-WESTERN-DAYNESS!). But still, I ate a BANGER, got arrested for being cooler than Jane, and clad myself in a bandanna / cowboy hat combo; that's just a recipe for a good day!
First general meeting this Tuesday! BE THERE OR POOP GLUE!
omgomgogmlaolololololololol funniest video EVER.
haha i took that horse picture.
wait didnt you also get to see one of the awesomest 08 alumni ever?
Eh. That part was kinda boring.
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