Saturday, October 17, 2009

Graphic design - sorta fun!

Whilst working on the layout for my new website blog conglomeration, I needed to fill up one corner of the page. At first I was gonna put a nice lil sketch of myself, but I'm not sure it'll work with the current design.

Soes, I decided to work on a kind of logo thing. Those up there are all the possible "klogos". Tell me whatchoo think! ...although I already kinda chose which one I'm gonna use.

Notey note note, 7 and 12 are pretty much the same, just different size of the "kl".


stina said...

i like 11. (lol i could totally steal one of these for myself xD)

M.B. said...

i like 5 or 9

Kristen said...

1 or 4 :P

Veronica said...

1 2 4 HOMIE!

Anonymous said...

8 or 11!

Frances Castillo said...
